

Today, there are a lot of commercial messages around our life. These massages are very useful for us, because they give us a lot of information. For example, some companies make commercials to inform their new products. This is one of the ways to send a massage to people. And now, most of people have TV in their houses. So, this is good way to spread their new goods. The commercial massages are called ‘CM’ by many people.

The CM history
The first color commercial is produced by Toyota in 1962. In those days, the color TV is not so popular among people so the company tried to make color commercial. This CM became very popular and then, many companies or many local areas make their own commercials to inform some news and so on.

Japanese commercial
Japanese commercial has many rules. For example, The CM wich conected medicine, thry often shows some attention. ' please ask your doctor if you have a probrem' or ' If you have a allergy, please don't take this medicine'. To take safty, we have to keep these attention and we have to read them when we bought medicine. of course we have to check them.
Second, the CM which made my alcohol campanies, they have to show one important message.
In Japan, not people who are 20 years old can't drink alcohols. So alcohol canpanise shows 'Don't drink if you are undre 20'. And nowadsys, we have one big problem. This is ' drink and drive'
This is very dangerous. Actually, many accidents occured in this year and many people especialy littele children killed by these accidents. I don't know why people who drink a lot of alcohol drive to get to their house. I think they have to call taxi or call their family. I don't have a driving license yet. However I am going to get this license in next year. I want to think about this problem again.

Local CM
I think each area has each local CM to intoroduse thier area. In Kumamoto has many local commercial. Of course, there are some local TV programs and local news programs. They encourage to develop each area. So,they make unique commercial. Now many local area has a sserious problem. It is depopulation. To gather many people , they have to do public relations on
how attractive place there is and why there have such a value to come this area.
I have seen the CM produced by Tamana city, one of a city in Kumamoto. They introduced hot spring because this city has many good hot springs. Many people came to this town to look for good hot spring.

What is role of CM
I think The role of CM is one of communication between companise and us. The time which we can watch them are very short. However we can understand and remember very clearly what they want to say and what is new product in this company. I think there are some reasons. One of them are to use a famous star in CM. this is very important because they are very famouse and it make possible to ggive strong impression for people who watch CM on TV.
Second is to make easy CM. the time is very short so they have to make them more easy to understand and need some device, for example unique music and so on. A unique music has strong power, I think. Mant children wached these CM and listenesd to music, they can remenber very easy and singing.
These tendencise are often ocurred.

The CM is very interesting. Many CM are broadcasting onTV and we have many chance to watch them. The food companies, the air line companies, some goods produse companies and so on. I want to know more and I am interested in this world.
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