
my school

This is my junior high school.

My home town is consist of some small island and my junior hish school is in smallest island.

There are about 40 sudents. I like my school and my friends. I want to go there with my friends.

[44 words]

My friends

This is my old friends in my home town.

We are 20 years old . We have coming age ceremony on January 4 th.

I want to meet them soon. [29 words]


There are many oranges in my house. My father's friend gave my family.

My father and my sister and I like orange very much so we eat them every day.

My mother side's grand parants made orange until 10 years ago.

I like Orange since when I was child.[48 words]


My sister bought them. My father likes it very much.

I didn't eat them but he said taht it is good taste. [21 words]


I went back to my home. My mother gave me this. This is Dorayaki which is Japanese sweets.

I like it, but it was a little too sweet for me. My mother likes sweets very much so there are my sweets in my house. [45 words]


What is tahis???

What is this??? This is a photo that my sister sent me today. She went to Oita with her friend and she took it. I don't know where it is and what it is. However it is very interesting.[37 words]

Lunch box 2

This is rice ball. I and my sister made them. Are they good?? [13 words]

Lunch box 1

My sister went to Oita with her friend today. So she made lunch. She had to wake up very early and I helped her. This is one part of Lunch. I hope it is good.[35 words]


Books - 11

Every time, the music is very special for everyone I think. In 1956, Elvis Presley made a record and changed a history of music.

He is very famous yet and very popular. I like music but I don't know about foreign singers. I want to know more and I want to listen to their music.[54 words]

Books - 10

One day, A farmer tells a boy to take something if you want. He throw away her rubbish .

The boy find a old piano and he likes it. He had never played it, however he is good player now.

when I was a child, I like to play the piano. [49 words]

Books - 09

Do you like to see the sky?? I like it very much. However we can't see so many stars in the sky at Kumamoto city because there is very light in the night. My home town is very country, so in the night, we can not see anythings except stars. They are very beautiful. [53 words]


This is pig. This is also my importand thing, my friend made it for me.
I lived in dormitory when I was high school student. We had to leave there after we graduated.
There were many friends and I like there very much. This is made by one of my dormitory's friends.[51 words]

Christmas 4

I and my sisiter held a small Christmas party. We ate a little cakes and snacks.

Christmas is very special day and to day is Christmas Eve.

I wish a merry Christmas ☆三「34 words」


What is that?? Maybe you think. This is my very precious thing. My friend made it for me.

She gave it me when I was high school student. Then I had to study to enter the university, so she made it for me and gave me before go to examination.

I like it very much. [58 words]


I drew it when I was a high school student.

I like it and friends are very important for me. [21 words]

My favorite

This is made by my friend. She drew it when she was high school student.

I like this very much. I put it in my room and often see it. Thiese words are very good and my favorite thing.[40 words}

England's Family

I made this. This is my picture of my host family in England. I went to there in summer on Kaigaisenshu. It was very good experience for me and I could enjoy my life.

Sandra is my host mother and all her friends call her Sandy so I usually call her "Sandy".

I want to meet her again. [58 words]

my house??

This is flower. Our friend gave us and we put it in our room.

We like flower, because our mother likes flowers very much. My mother came to our room last week and said us " how beautiful it is! " On the other hand out father is not interested in flowers.

He said us " why you put a flower in the room?! you have to put it outside." [ 68 words]

Christmas 3

This is my Christmas tree!! It is too small... It is about 20 cm. However I and my sister live in small room so this is best size for us.

The Christmas is coming. [34 words]


Do you know that??? These are very popular snacks name is "umaibou".

It is very interesting naming and easy to remember. They have a lot of tastes. For example, mentaiko and chocolate and so on. I like this. My friend gave me but I don't eat tham yet.[47 words]

Christmas 2

What is that??? This is Christmas cake! However... we have aproblem..

We have 2 cakes in my house. One of them is made by us and another one is my our friend.

He gave us this cake and we ate 2 cakes today. But, we couldn't eat enough because they were very seet!!! Maybe we have to eat them for 2 or 3 days. [64 words]



To day is Christmas Eve. I and my sister made a cake. However we didn't have much time to make all of it by hand made. So we bought rolle cake and we decorated by many fruits and cream. It was very good and my sister liked it very much. [50 words]


Learning with computers

Learning with computers
Learning with computer is very useful, I think. I often use it during my classes to watch some movies, some pages and so on. There are many chances to use computer. This is one of the way to lean many things.

Before I use a computer, usually write by my hands. It took many times and I had to pay attention to write correctly. It is hard work for me. Once I have a mistake, I have to use an eraser and write again or some times we need make our documents from first. It is very hard work for us. On the other hand, to use a computer it is easy to modification. If we save our document’s data in computer, we don’t have start again from beginning to make our papers.
However, hand writing is the best way to remember something. To use our hands, we can remember more easily. Before I use a computer, I can’t use a computer. I think I don’t have so many chances to use computers. My typing was very slow and I don’t know how to use them.

I often use a computer in my Writing classes. In this class, I have to type in 5 minutes as fast as possible and sent a mail. Using computer was not easy for me but I can use it a little now. I think this is very useful and interesting. Before, I don’t use a computer in my house because I am not interested in it. However now I often use a internet and e-mail. If use a computer, we can send messages faster than a letter.

During writing Ⅲ&Ⅳ
During the class, we have to use a computer. At first, we have to typing as fast as we can and send a mail to our teacher. To type was very difficult for me because my typing speed is very slow and I often make some mistakes in my writing. However I think that now is a little faster than first time. To use a computer is not only in a class, maybe we have to use in our job, life and so on. Learning with computer is good way to get useful information but there were some bad infomation for us. We have to choose which one is good or not.

I think studying with computers are good for us. Now, there are many computer around us and we can use it very easy. Many children use them and study.
Maybe in the future, more children use computers to study something and each house will have some computers. [443 words]


My best experience

My best memory is my life in England. I went to England this summer because on Kaigaikenshu. It was very good experience foe me. Before I went to England, I was worry about many things, however I found that I don’t had to worry. My host family was very kind and I could make many foreign friends in England. In my host family, there were one Spanish girl and one Arabic boy. Their names are Christina and Khalid. I was very happy because they were very friendly and I could talk many things, for example about their countries and culture, they let me know many things and I could learn a lot of things. I want to go there if I have a chance and I want to meet them. My host mother’s name is Sandra. She was very good at cook. I like her dishes very much. And I like her. I am going to send a Christmas cards for them. [162 words]


Aso temple

I and my friends went to aso temple. There is very famous place in Kumamoto. When I went to there first time, I went to with my part time job friends.

He is from Aso and he took us many place in Aso. This is my second time to visit there.

This day was very cold day but we could enjoy our time.[62 words]

Coming of Age Day

What is it?? This is my corsage for ceremony on 4th January.

That day is my Coming of Age ceremony. I am very looking forward to meeting my old friends.

Actually, the traditional Coming of Age Day is 14 th January, however in my town has to hold a ceremony on 4th because my town is country and young people not often come back to our town. But New year day is special day for everyone and all people come back to their home town

to see their family. I have some friends who I have't seen for 5 years.

I want to enjoy with them. [106 words]


The beautiful view. I went to Kinpouzan with my friends. I went to there with 9 friends.

I want to go there again and we had very good time.

First, we went to Aso, and in the night, we went there to see veautiful night view.[46 words]


Present for my parents

I and my sister will give a present for my parents.
We will buy them on Sunday this week.
This is our Christmas present for them. [26 words]


Kimono is Japanese traditional wear and I will wear it On January 4th because I became 20 years old.
I am very looking forward to meeting my pld friends.
I have not met some of my friends since I graduated from junior high school in 2003.
I want to see them as soon as possible. [55 words]

Christmas Cards

I sent some Christmas cards to England.

I want to say them Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.
I hope they have a special Christmas and New year's day.[30 words]


Learning with conputers

I think to use computer is very sueful for our life. because we can get many information from internet very quickly. I often use it in my house or school.
For example, if we use a internet, we can whatch some movies, TV programs, home pages and so on. These tools are very good to get useful imformation. My mother can not use computer well, and she can not typing. However she has to use the computer to make paper on her job. sometime, she learned with computer in my house. She was looking for good information to write her job's paper and she practiced typing.
When we have to remember somethings, to use computer is not good way I think.
The most good way is write by our hands to remenber somethings.On the other hand, when we make some documents, it is very easy and faster than write ourselves. I think there are some good points studying with computer and sime not good points. [165 words]



Today, there are a lot of commercial messages around our life. These massages are very useful for us, because they give us a lot of information. For example, some companies make commercials to inform their new products. This is one of the ways to send a massage to people. And now, most of people have TV in their houses. So, this is good way to spread their new goods. The commercial massages are called ‘CM’ by many people.

The CM history
The first color commercial is produced by Toyota in 1962. In those days, the color TV is not so popular among people so the company tried to make color commercial. This CM became very popular and then, many companies or many local areas make their own commercials to inform some news and so on.

Japanese commercial
Japanese commercial has many rules. For example, The CM wich conected medicine, thry often shows some attention. ' please ask your doctor if you have a probrem' or ' If you have a allergy, please don't take this medicine'. To take safty, we have to keep these attention and we have to read them when we bought medicine. of course we have to check them.
Second, the CM which made my alcohol campanies, they have to show one important message.
In Japan, not people who are 20 years old can't drink alcohols. So alcohol canpanise shows 'Don't drink if you are undre 20'. And nowadsys, we have one big problem. This is ' drink and drive'
This is very dangerous. Actually, many accidents occured in this year and many people especialy littele children killed by these accidents. I don't know why people who drink a lot of alcohol drive to get to their house. I think they have to call taxi or call their family. I don't have a driving license yet. However I am going to get this license in next year. I want to think about this problem again.

Local CM
I think each area has each local CM to intoroduse thier area. In Kumamoto has many local commercial. Of course, there are some local TV programs and local news programs. They encourage to develop each area. So,they make unique commercial. Now many local area has a sserious problem. It is depopulation. To gather many people , they have to do public relations on
how attractive place there is and why there have such a value to come this area.
I have seen the CM produced by Tamana city, one of a city in Kumamoto. They introduced hot spring because this city has many good hot springs. Many people came to this town to look for good hot spring.

What is role of CM
I think The role of CM is one of communication between companise and us. The time which we can watch them are very short. However we can understand and remember very clearly what they want to say and what is new product in this company. I think there are some reasons. One of them are to use a famous star in CM. this is very important because they are very famouse and it make possible to ggive strong impression for people who watch CM on TV.
Second is to make easy CM. the time is very short so they have to make them more easy to understand and need some device, for example unique music and so on. A unique music has strong power, I think. Mant children wached these CM and listenesd to music, they can remenber very easy and singing.
These tendencise are often ocurred.

The CM is very interesting. Many CM are broadcasting onTV and we have many chance to watch them. The food companies, the air line companies, some goods produse companies and so on. I want to know more and I am interested in this world.
[647 words]



Onigiri is very useful food for me and my sister.

We often make our lunch ourfelves. However, we have no so many time in the morning. So we often make some onigiri for our lunch. This is very easy to make and we can make it very easy. My father often made ie for us when we were junior high school studens. They were very big and not good. However I and my sister liked them. [76 words]

TV programs

I like TV programs. I always watching TV programs when I stay in my room. I like music so I often watch some music programs. The TV is very useful for us because it give us many information and joy. I often watch it with my sister or friends. It is very fun. I can enjoy the time with their. The doramas are very interesting. However I don’t so like these programs, because if I miss to watch it once, I can’t understand this story. So, I not watch it so often. I often watch news program in the morning. When I get up, I turn on the TV and watch it. [112words]



There are many Sunflower!!!

This town is Sumoto in Amakusa. I know this town because this town and my home town is very near.

They are very beautiful and I want to go there.

However.... Now is Winter! That's strange.. Anyway, these flower make many people feel happy and smile...[51 words]

nursing books-08

My friend wants to be a nurse in her future.
actually, I don't like hospital. however this job, nurse and doctor are very inportant for us.
My friend said me 'if I become a nurse, please come to my hospital'
she is studying very hard and I hope she gets her dream.[53 words]

Oxford Books-07

This book is about Oxford. This is one of the famous city in the England.
I went to England and Oxford in this summer on Kaigaikensyu.
This city is very old city but there was very nice. [37 words]