
In the case of hiramii: Book Review 2-6

In the case of hiramii: Book Review 2-6

Book Review 2-6

I think her book review is good. There are many phots of these books and very clear. It was very easy to read and interesting. Icould understand about these books and what want to say.
I like her blog and her book reveiw [45 words]



My home town is Amakusa. One person said me " Amakusa is a city? or Town??"
Amakusa is "City" now.
there are a lot of islands in this city. I like Amakusa very much. If you have a time, please come to Amakusa. [45 words]

My family

My father and mother live in my home town.
They often calling us and say " How are you??"
I and my sister live in Kumamoto since 1 year ago. We are going to go back to our home
nwxt month. [40 words]

26 th Nov

Today, I and my sister made a cake. It took an hour to make it.
The taste is good I think. We often make something together.
We are planing to make cheese cake on Sanday.
[35 words]


22 th Nov.

My friends came to my house in Kumamoto city. Their mane are Reina and Yuki. Reina live in Amakusa now. She is a student and she studys about medical treatment. She wants to be a nurse. We had very good time together.
[41 words]

community life

I had a part time job. I worked at food store. This store is to sell lunch box.
I worked there as a seller. This job was very hard for me, there was very comfortable for me. There are some reasons. First, I could learn a lot of things through my experience in there and from my friends. Many people came to our shop to buy their meal, and we had to make some lunch boxes for them. However, we din’t have to make so slowly. We had to make it quickly, but its meaning is not a sloppy job. Of course we had to make so quickly but it need to make so correctly to manual. In the evening, a lot of people, for example, a student, a homemaker, an office worker often came there. They seemed very busy and they didn’t have a time. So, they bought something to eat for their dinner. I could learn that how important to have a communication with customers. I was usually stayed in the cash desk, so I had many chance to talk with the customers. To keep smiling is not easy for us, because when we are not in good health condition, to make smile is very difficult. However a smile is very important for the salesman. My boss said me that if I am not happy, I shouldn’t express my mind. I have to make a smile for other people. That is professional. I think so too.

Second reason is I could make very precious friends in there. They are very kind and best friend for me. The most of them left this part time job now include me. Some of them got a job, the others are student now. We often went out together. We went to Aso in this year. It was very cold day. However it was very fun because I was stay with my friends. Now, we don’t have so many chances to meet, but sometime meet each other. I am very happy to make such good friends in there. They always helped me when I had a mistake. One day I forgot to put goods into the bag. The customer was very angry and called us. We need to deliver it for customer’s home. My friends said me “Don’t worry, I will bring it to this house” and I and my friend went to the customer’s house.

The part time job is very important for me. I can learn many things from them and I can have many experiences in there. To speak many people who have different kind of jobs is very interesting for me. When I worked this store, many taxi drivers came and they often spoke to me.
I have a new part time job now. I want to make new good friends in there. [474words]



I don’t like winter, because I can’t wake up in the morning. It is very cold, so I can not go out from in my bed. However, I have to get up at 7:30 to make my lunch and break fast. I live there with my sister, so we have to do every thing ourselves. It is very hard for us because we are busy and we have a lot of things to do every day. I and my sister, Miho can not get up early in the morning. Especially, winter is very special season. In the morning, very cold and in the noon, not cold, in the night, very cold. I want to buy “kotatsu” in this season. [119 words]



I don't eat breakfast every day. Actuall, I want to eat it, however, I can't because I have no time to eat it. If I can wake up more early time in the morning, I can eat it. But, I can't . So, I missing to eat my breakfast. I make lunch box every day for my lunch. [56 words]

13th November

To day is 13th November. I had a part time job. I am very tired. My parents came to my home
because my mother have to go to hospital tomorrow.
My sister had part time job, too.
I have it next day... [ 42 words]

Comunity life




Orange book

I have an orange book. If I read some book written in English, I have to write the title of the book and word count, and so on. It is like my reading diary. To read English books are not so easy for me, however, I want to try to read more. The easy books are very easy to read, but I want to read more long story for example novels and do on. The orange book is very useful, I think because it is my diary so, I can check whenever these books that I had read. I think to become good English writer I have to read many books written by English if they written by easy English. [120 words]


MR BEAN 2-06

Mr. Bean is very famous comedian all over the world, I think. He is very funny and he make a lot of people smile. He is very popular among many people in the world.

His movies are very interesting and many people can enjoy it. [ 45 words]

nelson mandela 2-05

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is one of famous president in history of south africa. In the past, there was a strange law. White people arrived in south africa and then, the Buritish people and African people fought and British won. They separate white people every things from black people. it is distinction. he alolished this law, so that, he is a hero in South Africa.

[ 65 words]

American life 2-04

There are many kinds of people live in the United States, and there are many different kinds of dishes. They make food from their old countries. In America, about 570 movies are made each year. The music, foods,movies, manythings come to Japan from america, now. [ 46 words]



Toy story



Toy Story 1

This story is very popular among a lot of children and many other people. This animation is made in America in 1995 by Disney directed by John A Lassester. This animation is consists of all CG. On May 23rd 1996, it released in Japan. Then, on 1999, the Toy story 2 was made and released. The voice’s actors are very famous people. Woody is Tom Hanks, and Japanese is Toshiaki Karasawa, Buzz is Tim Allen, Japanese is joji tokoro. They are very popular actors.

This is very beautiful animation and very funny story. When we were a child, every body might be thinking that “Toy is working in the night after midnight” This story is like this. Many funny characters are working. I think many people will be able to enjoy to watch this movie.


The main characters are Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato head, and so on. All characters are toy. Wood is very old toy and he can speak if children pull his cord. He is the best partner of a boy, named Andy. Andy likes woody very much and he take him everywhere he goes. Actually his all toys can move. They can walk and speak. However, there is a rule. It is that they shouldn’t move in front of human, because they are just toys. After Andy gone, it is time for them. They can move as they want and they can speak each other. Woody is a leader of his all toy.

One day, this day is Andy’s Birth day, Andy got new toy. It was new style toy and many children wanted it. It was ‘Buzz’. Woody was worrying that, If some new toys come here, I will be not Andy’s favorite toy. Then, buzz coming his home. As his expected Buzz became his favorite toy. He is always with him and Woody is not his No.1, yet. He want to turn out him, but he and Buzz had a mistake. They fall down the ground from Andy’s room. They want to go back his room, but it was not so easy for them. they have to escape these difficult troubles their own.

At first, they are not good friends. At last, they could become good friends. The boy lives in the next door of Andy. He is not good boy and Woody and Buzz wear caught by him. They could escape from his house. Then, they are best partner for each other and other toys accepted him.


is story is very interesting. the images are very clear and beautiful. The toys are moving, it is very funny and interesting. The story was very exciting.I think it can enjoy not just children but other older people. I have watched this movei before, but I could enjoy to watch it. I want to try "Toy Story 2"soon. I hope many people watch this movei.

[483 words]


Fall Semester Essays

[+ links]


my favorite place

Toy story

4th essay


community life


5th essay


6th essay

Learning with computer



¶: number of paragraphs three or more sentences in length
W: number of words
C: number of comments
L: number of links
P: number of photos or other graphics
M: number of other media included


I think culture is very important for us because it is one of us. For example, our life style is one of them, I think. The food is very good example. Each country has many traditional foods. For another people, Their dishes maybe seems a little strange. The people who live in Kumamoto eat “basashi”. When I went to England in this summer, I told my host mother, and she was very surprised because she hasn’t such a culture to eat horse meat. It is very delicious, however, For another country or the people who live in another area, it is very difficult to understand, I think. [108 words]


My friend

When I was high school student, I lived in dormitory.
I could make many friends there. Sometime, We meet each other.
On december 1 st, we meet. I'm very looking forward to meet them.

lunch box

I and my sister have to make our Lunch every day. It is very hard for me to get up early
in the morning. We have to get up at 7:00 a.m.
I like cooking, but I hate to get up early in the morning...
[46 words]

My room

I like my room. I live with my sister in this city.
My room is best place for me .
My friends often come to my room.
I cleaning my room on weekends. It is a little hard for me, however it is very important for us
to live there comfortable.
[51 words]